About MeadKrieger Meadery

We have a true passion for mead.


MeadKrieger is a company with a deep inspiration in Norse history and rooted in the science of fermentation. 

In Norse culture, mead was a drink for both the common folk and the upper class. It brought people together and was used to celebrate community. It was also used in creative pursuits. Mead is mentioned in works from Aristotle to J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael Crichton.

We want to continue the sacred tradition and bring our communities together! Mead harkens us back to basics, to inclusively celebrate life and our social connections. We can all be warriors for the common good!

Our mission

We are on a mission to bring the best crafted mead to the masses by blending the art of science and history to the of making of our mead.


We believe in the unrelenting pursuit of excellence and the freedom that comes from creating something that brings happiness to people and brings communities together. We honor the warriors of the past and champion the dreams of greatness for the future.


Our Warriors


Matt, or translated in Norse, Matght, is responsible for the overall Production Operations at MeadKrieger. He strives to bring a standard of excellence and creativity to the company.

With his investment in Chemical Engineering classes at CSU, extensive research, and first hand experience, Matt is committed to understanding the science behind producing an exceptional mead and running the production operations with the upmost integrity.  


Eric, or translated in Norse, Eiríkr, is the Lead Mazer (or Head Brewer) and oversees the brewing of our meads. He is devoted to the relentless pursuit of crafting mead that is second to none.

His years of brewing experience and knowledge of Norse history and culture are the inspiration behind our mead. In addition to bringing a wealth of information and experience, he is committed to expanding our production without sacrificing quality or craftmanship.


Susan, or translated in Norse, Susane, is responsible for the Managment of the tasting room and financial operations at MeadKrieger. She is committed to building a solid business and accounting foundation for the company.

She received her degree in Business Administration/Accounting from UNC in Greeley and has many years of experience helping small businesses, as well as being a business owner herself.


Jay, which is simply Jay in Norse, is our strategic planner and is responsible for growth and expansion planning. He bring a wealth of knowledge with his extensive education and work experience in engineering.

He received his Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University and has worked for leading Fortune 500 companies.